RV Trader’s Enhancement Auto Selector offers a convenient way to get the most return on your investment in enhanced ads, which includes Featured and Premium Ads. The Enhancement Auto Selector works by automatically assigning any unused Featured and Premium Ads to your most in-demand units on our marketplace. By leveraging this tool, you can ensure the performance of your listings is fully optimized, and drive more exposure to your units. Here’s why the Enhancement Auto Selector is your new listing assistant.
Peace Of Mind Knowing Your Enhancement Package Is Being Used
Inventory quickly comes and goes, and it can be a full-time job ensuring your enhancements don’t go unused. If you aren’t monitoring your ad enhancements, you could be missing the opportunity to generate leads for your units. Not only does the Enhancement Auto Selector ensure your ads get used, it picks the best!
For dealers who already have enhanced ads in their RV Trader package, the Enhancement Auto-Selector is already reassigning units for you. Additionally, the tool will still automatically assign any new ad enhancements, allowing you to save time manually assigning your ad enhancements and spend more time on the sales floor.
Promote Your Most in Demand Units
The Enhancement Auto Selector is designed to analyze the most popular makes and models among RV Trader shopper’s, and assign enhancements to your units that are most likely to drive engagement from buyers.
Our data shows that searches for travel trailers ranked highest over all categories in 2022. The Enhancement Auto selector uses this type of data from our site and makes an intelligent decision as to which of your units to assign featured or premium status if you have any unused ads.
However, If there is a specific type of unit that you would like to prioritize above all other units, you access the Enhancement Auto Selector tool’s menu in TraderTraxx, and can then create “filters” using unit details, including year, class, category, make, model, and condition. This will enable the Auto Selector to assign Premium or Featured Ads to your preferred unit types.
The ability to create filters for the Enhancement Auto Selector is one of the newest advantages we offer to dealers. For example, you can leverage data from the Market Insights Tools, also accessible in TraderTraxx, to inform the choices you make regarding your Enhanced Auto Selector’s filters.
Let’s say you have an abundance of Keystone Toy Haulers on your lot. They’re in great condition and at a good price point, but you need them to sell. You can set your filters to assign an enhancement to this type of unit, ensuring that more shoppers will come across this unit’s listing. Doing this will help you curate the most effective advertising for your most popular units.
Never Miss Any Opportunities
The Enhancement Auto Selector ensures your ad enhancements never go unused and gives your dealership the most visibility possible on RV Trader. When a shopper is looking for a specific unit that matches your inventory, the Enhancement Auto Selector will help your advertisement stand out among all standard ads.
Enhanced ads are one of the most effective ways to get more eyes on your units so it’s important your investment doesn’t go unused. On Average our Premium Ads receive 6.8x more vehicle detail page views than standard ads, and Featured Ads receive 2.9x more vehicle detail page views than standard ads. To learn more about the effectiveness of Premium and featured ads, make sure to check out this overview.
Not only does the Enhancement Auto Selector make advertising your listings easier than ever, but it helps you get the best return on your investment in enhanced ads. Since the tool is already working to generate more attention for your inventory, you have more opportunity to follow up on leads and focus on moving consumers further down the sales funnel.
In order to maintain the attention of prospective buyers, it’s essential to continually promote your listings– which you can easily achieve with the assistance of the Enhancement Auto Selector. Want to learn more about RV Trader’s advertising solutions? Check out our dealer resources for lead generation.